The transcript below is from the video “11 Funniest Moments in MMA and Boxing” by Brutal TV.

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MMA and Boxing are a violent sport that fans watch to see knockouts and submissions, not for comedy. But every once in a while, there is a slip of the tongue or some outrageous event that has fans clutching their sides with laughter. Whether you’re a sucker for catchy phrases, unintentional grabs, or a dummy fail on a ring, we can guarantee you’ll find something on here that makes you chuckle.

Welcome to Brutal TV. Today, we’re talking about 11 funniest moments in MMA and Boxing and literally any sport that gets too angry, men or women in an octagon. How can a violent sport be amusing? Here’s how.

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Number 1: Kick to the Face

We don’t know where he was aiming but it does seem like the objective here was to definitely absolutely not kick this guy in the face. It’s as if there was no preconception or preparation to this attempt at all.

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Number 2: Michael Venom Page

The Pokemon Go trend hyping a couple of years ago made everyone chase after imaginary monsters in real life. Many pro athletes have joined the madness. Here, we see Michael Venom Page taking Pokemon plus sports to another level. Page knocked out Evangelista Cyborg Santos. He then grabbed a Pokemon hat and a pokeball, walked back to the middle of the cage and proceeded to roll a pokeball at Santos. That really did happen before Page raised a triumphant peace sign. Gotta catch them all, right?

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Number 3: Back-Flip

Chinese fighter was very excited and grateful after winning the match. He gave respectful nods to the referee table and then gets on a rope to end the match triumphantly with a rope flip. But something went dramatically wrong and he ended up on the floor. Well, you know, fighters can be good at a fight and damn, they can even be good at math. But no chances they are good in celebration.

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Number 4: Into the Pool

The art of Kung Fu. It takes practice. It takes the skill of the great grand masters passed down centuries upon centuries. But the one thing that did not come with this guy’s training apparently was environmental awareness.

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Number 5: Accidental Touch

Now this one could be hard to catch but watch really closely. This Chinese MMA fighter gets super excited on a post-match interview. So excited, he obviously doesn’t see anyone around him. Look at his elbow. Notice the momentum. If not, take a look at the girl’s reaction. It’s priceless. So the big question here is, did he accidentally touch the ring girl’s breast or did it happen intentionally? Some sort of tricky pickup move. We’re hoping it’s the first. Still, the moment was witty.

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Number 6: Excited Referee

A good fight is always a dose of adrenaline spread to everyone around. Not only do fighters get super excited, but believe it or not, referees too. Just take a look at this ref. He looks so happy and entertained. It’s like he’s watching his son making his first step or the McDonald’s delivery guy entering his patio after an exhausting two-hour wait. Or, did he just want to go home and sit on the couch, turn on his brand new ps5 and play a bit of UFC himself? You take a guess.

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Number 7: No Pants

Everybody was trying Kung Fu fighting. Those fists are moving fast as, well, as fast as those pants came down during this showcase. But this guy didn’t let it slow him down the smallest bit. He looks down and makes that split-second decision to ride it out and go out in style. Pants are so 2019. Who needs them?

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Number 8: Double KO

Heard about double KOs? No, it’s not when you knock out two fighters in a row. That happens when fighters knock out each other. How’s that possible? Take a look. That’s the best description for the ultimate bruh moment. Got a feeling that you just witnessed something sacred and rare? Not at all. Take a look at the next moment.

Sometimes these sucker punches get dramatically nasty. You don’t even notice when the punch lands on your chin and knocks your brains out.

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Number 9: Let’s Dance

The boxer in blue shorts is dominating, both physically and mentally. You can clearly see it by the chilling moves and predatory grin. Or, maybe he’s there for some love. We got the whole story covered for you. Look, he’s so moody and kinky. When he gets a punch from the opponent, he’s looking at him like, “Come on, man. Where’s the love in our world? Why are we fighting? Let’s dance”. Go ahead, turn some music on and feel the atmosphere like that guy does.

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Number 10: Let’s Get Motivated

Sometimes you need a helping hand from your coach to get motivated before a fight. Or, maybe two helping hands. Take a look at how the poor girls get smacked up. Damn, it’s funny. But the cut man didn’t get the joke at all. Is that Derrick Lewis’ long lost brother? He definitely witnessed a domestic assault. Or maybe he was half asleep and that smacking startled him. He almost stepped in like a ref. And did anyone realize the other guy with a green shirt had the same reaction? The momentum couldn’t be funnier.

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So, what do you think about this list? Maybe you got some even more hilarious moments on your top. Make sure to include them in the comments section below. Don’t forget to like, share and subscribe to Brutal tv so you don’t miss a future upload and you can enjoy the excellent content we send your way. Thanks for watching.

Watch The Video Below! 👇